Monday, April 23, 2007

Spring Hits The Atlantic (Finally)

Kyna's Spring Bling
Hello all. Not much to update here, I'm trying to get a car...actually, I'm trying to get a loan to get a car. Eabha wasn't very keen on her swimming lessons again this week, I think I'm going to try and find a time slot where there's a female instructor (she's indicated that besides me not being in the pool with her, she'd also rather have a female instructor..).

The weather here is getting a lot better, which makes everything seem better. I'm trying to diversify my cooking portfolio beyond vegan pizza, veggie burgers/dogs, dahl, and stir-fry. I'll try and keep you posted on that one. I watched a great movie called "What The Bleep Do We Know"; it's about quantum physics, neural psychology, philosophy and spirituality and how they're all connected...look for it in the documentary section.

Eahba had a dentist appointment today, it went quite well overall. Eabha also had a haircut...stay tuned next week for photos!

The photos I've posted here are of Sarah and Jacob, Eabha and I (and Kyna). We met Sarah and Jacob, who live around the corner from us, a little while ago in a park and we had a lot of fun hanging out this weekend. Sarah is an archaeologist/cultural-anthropologist who plans on doing her masters next year, and Jacob is three and likes ice-cream sandwiches.

Be well,

John D

Come Out and Stop Racist Policies in our Schools!

Black youth in Halifax are alienated by a school system that does not reflect them in its educators, administrators or educational content. Over a decade after the Black Learners Advisory Council (BLAC) released the BLAC Report, recommending sweeping changes to Nova Scotia's education system, the vast majority of the recommendations have not been implemented. Meanwhile, the crisis for Indigenous Black Nova Scotian youth deepens; according to a 2005 survey by the Halifax-Central Educators Committee, too many black youth don't relate to what they're learning, feel intimidated by school authorities, and experience high suspension and drop-out rates.

Demand change. Demand Justice. Stop racist policies in our schools.

Days of Action To Demand Justice In Our Schools

Tuesday April 24
African Nova Scotian Advisory Committee Meeting
North Branch Library
2285 Gottingen St.

Wednesday April 25
Halifax Regional School Board Meeting
HRSB Building, Lower Plaza
90 Alderney Dr. Dartmouth
(Near Ferry Terminal)

Power concedes nothing without a demand, it never has and it never will.
- Frederick Douglas

We Demand:

1. The full implementation of the BLAC Report recommendations, including the
Afro-centric immersion of indigenous Black history throughout the entirety of the HRSB educational curriculum.

2. That the hiring practices of HRSB reflect the demographics of the indigenous black population it is supposed to represent.

3. That the African Nova Scotian Advisory Committee on Education have independent decision-making power and financial resources to effectively address concerns on behalf of the Black Nova Scotian community.

4. That resources be allotted for programs coming from the communities historically affected by racism; these programs must address the shortfalls in the educational system's accessibility for Black Nova Scotian youth.
Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group

A Message From Tre Arrow's Sister

For those ETK fans who aren't familiar, Tre Arrow is a friend who a few years ago, found himself wrongly accused of an arson and is now considered a 'terrorist' by american authoritarians. Here is an update from Tre's sister:

Hello to One and All Tre Arrow Supporters,

Yesterday's Extradition Appeal Hearing went well! The tides (slowly but surely) seem to be turning, as Tre was appropriately referred to by his legal name, *Tre Arrow* the entire day, without issue.

Tre's attorney Jim Blazina opened with strong, firm, factual arguments to further the case of Tre's survival of political persecution by the US Government. He stated that prior to 9/11/01, there were approx. 16 people on a "possible terrorist" list in the US. Post 9/11, there are approx. 80,000 on that list.

The voluminous documents and obtuse language used and referenced (as Tre's case is complicated) were at times head-spinning, but the overall outcome was that the panel (3 Judges) reserved judgment until a future date. They heard both sides, but clearly were most interested in hearing more from Tre's attorney. Blazina told me afterward that they most likely will take a month to decide anything, if not longer.

Blazina made several relevant case citations to evidence his arguments throughout the day. Blazina immediately claimed there has been an "abuse of process" with regard to Tre, and that the reliability of "any actual evidence" against Tre is non-existent...that it was concocted and three co-conspirators signed cooperation agreements. Blazina more or less stated that Tre became a target after becoming a public figure--a successful environmentalist receiving a significant degree of notoriety in the public eye, was framed by the US.

Other arguments sought to challenge the constitutionality and breech of fundamental justice with regard to Tre's Refugee Claim. Part one of his claim was initially passed, and then was not further processed due to the Extradition proceedings... Blazina urged that Tre is entitled to a full oral hearing to determine the credibility (for the refugee claim) of the allegations in the indictment.

Procedural fairness was breeched, as Tre is in need of protection from the US Government, Blazina urged.

More to follow....for now, Tre thanks each of you for the ongoing love, energy and support. He feels it.

Shawna Scarpitti (Tre Arrow's sister)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Eabha Updates, Bay of Fundy, Jon Elmer Comes To Halifax

Sorry for the tardiness of this update, hope you enjoyed staring at the bubba toilet for a few weeks, hehe. Eabha got bored of toilet training as news, over the Easter weekend she decided it was time to tell me that she wanted to put herself to bed. You see Emily and I co-sleep with Eabha (she sleeps in our bed). It's great. I think it's a natural approach to infants, babbies, toddlers and sleep; but it involves the parent 'faking sleep' from 20 minutes to sometimes an hour, and then sneaking out of the room. Now we still co-sleep, but after reading our books and having our massage (yeah, I know) we just leave the room and Eabha goes to sleep herself! Diapers and faking sleep were two of the most exhausting activities when parenting with Eabha; they were also the two last aspects of her being a 'baby'. Eabha sure seems like a full blown child now. Eabha and I are starting our next set of swimming lessons on Sunday. This time I won't be in the pool with Eabha, so we'll see how that goes.

So my car is toast. It's gone. You'll see the picutures of a trip that Emily, Eabha and I took to the Bay of Fundy. Well the clutch melted when we got into Digby, and I suspect took a lot of other things down with it when it went. Now I'm frantically looking for another car, because taxis are kind of kicking my ass financially.

I've got a new ground line. Comment me or email me to get the number if you'd like it (preferably I know you, but whatever, haha).

Also in the photos is our good pal and commrade Jon Elmer's visit to Halifax.


The Ferry To Long Neck Island. The Car Died On The Way Off.

Low Tide

The Ramp That Finished The Clutch


Lighthouse With Zoom

The Car Rolled To A Standstill In This Parking Lot; Ironically A Destination Point On Our Trip!

No Longer Moving Without Help

Good Photography Opportunities. Emily Was Happy To Have Been Recently Re-United With Her Manual Camera

A Picture Plant I Think?

Eabha Reverses With Great Skill

Steep Stairs Down To The Balancing Rock

I Couldah' Pushed That Over..

Bluewashed Balancing Rock



Looking Up

Remebered About The Car For A Second....Oh Boy...

Mug Shots

Emily's Brother Patrick Was Nice Enough To Have Picked Us Up And Driven Us Back To Halifax. Thanks Again Patrick!

Jon Elmer Being Introduced For His Halifax Visit On This Most Recent Speaking Tour

Note The The Shrinking Green Area...

Alexa MCDonough Who Benched Svent Robertson For Visiting Apartied Palestine, Graced Us With Her Presence

Flight Back From Toronto, Easter Weekend. Taking Photos On Planes Can Sometimes Make People Nervous

Sometimes People Are Nervous On Planes Anyways