Eabha Updates, Bay of Fundy, Jon Elmer Comes To Halifax
Sorry for the tardiness of this update, hope you enjoyed staring at the bubba toilet for a few weeks, hehe. Eabha got bored of toilet training as news, over the Easter weekend she decided it was time to tell me that she wanted to put herself to bed. You see Emily and I co-sleep with Eabha (she sleeps in our bed). It's great. I think it's a natural approach to infants, babbies, toddlers and sleep; but it involves the parent 'faking sleep' from 20 minutes to sometimes an hour, and then sneaking out of the room. Now we still co-sleep, but after reading our books and having our massage (yeah, I know) we just leave the room and Eabha goes to sleep herself! Diapers and faking sleep were two of the most exhausting activities when parenting with Eabha; they were also the two last aspects of her being a 'baby'. Eabha sure seems like a full blown child now. Eabha and I are starting our next set of swimming lessons on Sunday. This time I won't be in the pool with Eabha, so we'll see how that goes.
So my car is toast. It's gone. You'll see the picutures of a trip that Emily, Eabha and I took to the Bay of Fundy. Well the clutch melted when we got into Digby, and I suspect took a lot of other things down with it when it went. Now I'm frantically looking for another car, because taxis are kind of kicking my ass financially.
I've got a new ground line. Comment me or email me to get the number if you'd like it (preferably I know you, but whatever, haha).
Also in the photos is our good pal and commrade Jon Elmer's visit to Halifax.
The Ferry To Long Neck Island. The Car Died On The Way Off.
Low Tide
The Ramp That Finished The Clutch
Lighthouse With Zoom
The Car Rolled To A Standstill In This Parking Lot; Ironically A Destination Point On Our Trip!
No Longer Moving Without Help
Good Photography Opportunities. Emily Was Happy To Have Been Recently Re-United With Her Manual Camera
sorry to hear about the car... i got a youtube vid for ya. decent music video 'bout iraq from an iraqi-american hiphopper http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRiy4yfh-IM
This site chronicles the life of Eabha ("Eh"+"Va"), age four.
Photos and stories about this anti-authoritarian toddler and her anti-authoritarian 'Dadad'
The blog was originally set up to chronicle our trip from canada to new zealand, hence "The Kiwi".
i love the pics of eabha driving the tractor! and that last one of her on the plane is great!
i'm glad to hear that eabha is putting herself to sleep - i imagine life will be a bit easier for both you and emily now! YAH eabha!
miss and love you guys!
love anna
chuck as an email cuzzy let me know the haps
Oh my goodness. that picture of kyna is fantastic. she's one of my faveourit four legged beings
sorry to hear about the car... i got a youtube vid for ya. decent music video 'bout iraq from an iraqi-american hiphopper
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