Monday, April 23, 2007

Come Out and Stop Racist Policies in our Schools!

Black youth in Halifax are alienated by a school system that does not reflect them in its educators, administrators or educational content. Over a decade after the Black Learners Advisory Council (BLAC) released the BLAC Report, recommending sweeping changes to Nova Scotia's education system, the vast majority of the recommendations have not been implemented. Meanwhile, the crisis for Indigenous Black Nova Scotian youth deepens; according to a 2005 survey by the Halifax-Central Educators Committee, too many black youth don't relate to what they're learning, feel intimidated by school authorities, and experience high suspension and drop-out rates.

Demand change. Demand Justice. Stop racist policies in our schools.

Days of Action To Demand Justice In Our Schools

Tuesday April 24
African Nova Scotian Advisory Committee Meeting
North Branch Library
2285 Gottingen St.

Wednesday April 25
Halifax Regional School Board Meeting
HRSB Building, Lower Plaza
90 Alderney Dr. Dartmouth
(Near Ferry Terminal)

Power concedes nothing without a demand, it never has and it never will.
- Frederick Douglas

We Demand:

1. The full implementation of the BLAC Report recommendations, including the
Afro-centric immersion of indigenous Black history throughout the entirety of the HRSB educational curriculum.

2. That the hiring practices of HRSB reflect the demographics of the indigenous black population it is supposed to represent.

3. That the African Nova Scotian Advisory Committee on Education have independent decision-making power and financial resources to effectively address concerns on behalf of the Black Nova Scotian community.

4. That resources be allotted for programs coming from the communities historically affected by racism; these programs must address the shortfalls in the educational system's accessibility for Black Nova Scotian youth.
Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group


At 9:46 AM, Blogger angelune said...

this reminds me of the recent "zero tolerance" policies in Ontario schools - which has just recently been overturned in favour of some less racist policies.


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