From Pools To Potties, We're Flushed With Excitement
Well someone wears underwear now!! Ahem..Eabha!!! For the most part Eabha seems to have moved from diapers to a more sedintary, seated relief style. Yay!
Also, we had our last class of the first session of swimming lessons. We went hoping with a "wait and see" approach that Eabha might walk away with her first swimming badge. Well, we walked away with three!!! Not only did Eabha meet all the requirements of the level she was enrolled in, but she also exceeded the requirements of the next two levels!!! So two months before her third birthday, Eahba has been refered to the level which is usually reserved for three year olds! I guess you can click on the picture and read for yourself all the things she has now learned.
The photos I've posted have nothing to do with Eabha's accomplishments. In fact they weren't even my photos (thanks Caitlin), as I neglected to bring my camera. The photos are from the 10th anniversary of FOOD NOT BOMBS in Halifax. If you don't know what FOOD NOT BOMBS is...well you should!! The event was hugely popular and very well attended. There was hula-hoopin', rope jumpin', face paintin', speeches and of course...lots and lots of free Vegan/Vegetarian food!
Hey, know what else I've been up to? Haha. Well..I ran into two Mormons the other day on my walk back home. I told them I was in a hurry but left my contacts and Mormons do...they stopped by. We spent four hours talking about Anarchism, Christianity, the Christian Left (Catholic Workers, United Church..) verses the Christian Right (Neo-Conservatives..), Leo Tolstoy, Agnostics, Trinity and many other topics as well. Well they gave me a copy of "The Book Of Mormon", which I promised to read some sections of, and they said that they'd be back this comming week to discuss what I had read. Well can I just tell you how happy I am to be recieving their company again? I've found this video that I think I can save them with (it debunks the racist foundation of their separate belief system). Hopefully the truth will set them free. Either way, those Mormons should know that if Jesus were asked if money should be spent on mega churches like this one here in Utah, or spent on the poor...well, I think we all know what he'd say:
That's it for now, hoping you are well..
John D