Sunday, March 04, 2007

Here comes the sun, little darlin'

It's starting to feel like spring here. Despite last night's storm, today was sunny and +7!! Everyone's demeanor was better for it; people were happier and more relaxed. I'm sure it will get cold and snowy again yet..but nothing beats that first day when it really is starting to feel like spring.

I think I've got a sleeping problem. I can only ever seem to get about 5 hours of sleep at night. It's not necessarily that I'm so busy (not that I'm not), but I seem to just stay up late enough and get up early enough..that I'm always quite sleep deprived. It's starting to get to me..and then I read this article. It's not about when I get to sleep..the problem is about when I wake up!

If I can't dance I don't want to be part of you revolution -> click this link!

Be Well,

John D

Here's a drole video for all the students or lovers of street theatre out there:

Where to drive..

Cracking me up

Driving me crazy

Being elfish

Eabha points to the...stereo dial? 'our car'...maybe it's solar powered?

Taking in all that sunshine


Side shot

Eabha background, Marinda foreground

Eabha foreground, Marinda background

Tuning the stereo at a 'rest stop'

Having a quiet, 'Eabha - Dadad' talk


At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2:37 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Nice vehicle you've got there, bet it's good on gas...sorry I couldn't resist. Please say hi to Jers for me when you're in T.O. & if you could take a picture or two of her I'd appreciate it.

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see the Goldman quote make its' way into the blog. E is so cute she's in adorable-overdrive (SO appropriate with the car too!)
That hat & sunglasses combo just slays me.
Have fun in the TDot . . .
ps thanks for the Feral Bliss link!

At 9:16 PM, Blogger dave said...

That video is wowsa. Think we can pull it off to beat the Killam blues?


At 4:00 AM, Blogger Anna said...


i love the cute black jacket...and the cool shades - miss you guys and love ya lots - glad the sun is shinin in hfx....send it out this way!!!


At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do believe that darling Eabha looks like a school teacher in one of those photos! Wonderful photos!

At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

those are really great pictures(like always). i'm glad to hear youre doing well, and hope that you continue to do so(know you will)

+7!! thats nuts! it was -38 in montreal with the wind chill last night....but this kid from the desert is coping with the !!COLD!! just fine( and you're soooo totally right! it's all about the layers).

i should be coming back with andy in a few weeks after this demo against imperialism on the 17th.

anyways...say hi to eabha for me

much love,

ps. this website has been doing wonders for me and maybe you can add it to your already long list of kick ass sites

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dv, great link!
i don't know you, but just for this, you kick ass too!

much appreciation, nick

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you!

Sorry to hear you aren't sleeping well!! Great link to the sleep study article - totally explains why I’m so much happier when I get to sleep in!

Eabha is soooo adorable!

:) S

p.s. Told ya I'd post a comment...eventually.

At 3:14 AM, Blogger Care said...

Hey John D, when is the next update coming? I eagerly await news.

check out my friend sterling's blog when you get a chance:

Love always,


At 5:37 PM, Blogger Care said...



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