Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Of Ward Churchill and Making Waves

Hey people; fans or passersby of Eabha The Kiwi. The following photographs are firstly, photos of a quick collectivised dinner Eabha and I shared with Muin (showing his belly to indicate he's full), Dianne and James, Simon and Keli. After the dinner we went on over to the Dalhousie campus to hear a lecture by the notorious University of Colorado professor, author and activist Ward Churchill. The third grouping of photos were taken by Emily, of the swimming lessons that Eabha and I attend (mostly for Eabha's benefit) at the Dartmouth Sportsplex once a week.

Besides that, I've been very busy with school work; substitutes are in very high demand right now, my phone doesn't stop ringing from morning to night. I'm trying to find time in my busy schedule to break into yoga, but I've had one class already and it seemed promising. I'm looking for other ways to alieviate stress, anxiety and otherwise nervous tension that seem to be synonomous with being a Virgo, attributes which are a small trade off for being the most superior of all astrological signs.

That being said, thank you for the comments...don't turn off the tap, keep em' comming

Faithfully Yours,

John D

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Halifax Coalition Against Poverty's 1st Annual General Meeting

The title says it all really. Here are the photos:


Good Food

Information Table

Keli - Master of Ceremonies

Crowd Finishing Food As Slideshow Begins



Crowd Shot - It was a full room

- Recording and speaking on HCAP Radio

- Speaking on HCAP Radio

It wouldn't be an HCAP action without a few placards

It woudn't be an HCAP action without a few placards

It wouldn't be an HCAP action without some placards

Keli - MC

Keli speaking

Questions and answers

Q & A

Q & A

Q & A

Q & A

Q & A

Q & A

Q & A

Q & A

Q & A

Motivating Speech from Carpenter's Union Representative

Check Back In A Day Or Two For 3 Videos Of The Event

John D