Sunday, March 26, 2006

Students Fight Back

Hello there. Thought I'd drop a quick update:

Eabha has finished breastfeeding (a week ago); tipping her from the domain of infant and baby to that of little girl. Emily is loving the re-claimed autonomy. As Emily's milk left, Eabha replaced the sleep time ritual with reading. Lots of reading; and her imagination is on fire! Carrying on conversations with Eabha is quite easy with Eabha, especially if the topic is familiar.

Eabha's good friend Muin now has his own blog! Can you spot us in his birthday photograph?

My oldest sister Caroline now has a blog as well! I'll soon update the links section with their blogs, as well as some other new sites.

If you get all your "news" from corporate media, you might not have heard about the student uprising in france (or at least its significant magnitude). Here are some photos that will blow your mind!

Here are some amazing photos of a huge protest against youth rates in Auckland, new zealand. The demonstration was organized by some folks that we knew (note the school uniforms).

John D

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Seal Slaughter

Here is a good website:

Use the comments for debate if you'd like.

John D

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Down But Not Out

Well our computer melted (in a sense), but we're working on replacing the relic.

Thanx for all the comments,

There are photos of the anti-war demonstrations that we took at:

If you can't find them, you can just click here:




John D

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Spring Is Springing

It's much warmer now, here in Halifax. I don't know if you can call it spring when winter didn't really happen. I've posted some photos of us and some other folks from the past three days or so. I know I promised rants but all the links I was saving disappeared. Plus I'm not so sure folks are reading all this text these days. We only got three measly comments from the last post, and that after our comment about peeping Toms (et all).

Everyone here is gearing up for the anti-war/anti-occupation demonstrations here in Halifax and around the world, on March 18th. Soon there will be marches for the U.$ war on iran. Maybe this new war will involve another coalition of the killing. Maybe canada will jump the bandwagon this time, with our new crime minister.

I'll save the rants, but I would like to electronically add my voice to the growing list of dissenters against canada's involvement in the american empire's domination of Eurasia, with "our" presence in afghanistan.

Let's be clear for a moment. The "war of terrorism" has nothing to do with defeating the same tactic that is employed to "defeat" it.

The hijackers on september 11th, 2001 were mostly from saudia arabia.

Sure big bad osama bin laden was there, but let's not forget that the u.$.a was supporting and arming the taliban until they broke off talks for an oil pipeline, weeks before september 11th. In fact, the u.$ had plans to invade afghanistan before september 11th even happened.

As working class casualties mount in an imperialist ruling class war, let's not forget that canadian troops are being used to enforce american policy.

Let us not forget that a far right wing government will be aligning this state further to the empire. Let us not forget that this choice of government was made because we live in the wealthiest part of the world.

Let us not forget that we will reap the violence that is sown in our name.

Show your dissent on March 18th. Wherever you are.

John D

Eabha running down Citadel Hill.. JD Posted by Picasa

Eabha comming down the hill.. JD Posted by Picasa

Eabha comming down the hill.. JD Posted by Picasa

Eabha comming down the hill.. JD Posted by Picasa

Eabha and the chienz.. JD Posted by Picasa

Kyna inspects Ronolo.. JD Posted by Picasa

Eabha and Ronolo.. JD Posted by Picasa

Eabha and Ronolo. I wish we had put an odometer on Ronolo back in aotearoa.. JD Posted by Picasa

Canine specimen.. JD Posted by Picasa

Canine specimen.. JD Posted by Picasa

Kyna, Eabha, Dadad and Rowan.. JD Posted by Picasa

Emily and Eabha.. JD Posted by Picasa

Extreme close up.. JD Posted by Picasa

Eabha and Dadad, watching Rowan, watching people on Citadel Hill.. Em Posted by Picasa

On the horizon.. JD Posted by Picasa

Rowan; taller than Emily.. JD Posted by Picasa

Joint effort.. JD Posted by Picasa

Arggghhh.. JD Posted by Picasa

Kyna keeps one foot on the ground.. JD Posted by Picasa

Morgan.. Em Posted by Picasa

Morgan.. Em Posted by Picasa