Saturday, March 25, 2006
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- Name: Eabha the Kiwi
This site chronicles the life of Eabha ("Eh"+"Va"), age four. Photos and stories about this anti-authoritarian toddler and her anti-authoritarian 'Dadad' The blog was originally set up to chronicle our trip from canada to new zealand, hence "The Kiwi".
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December 21st 2012
A couple from prince edward island brought to my attention, that the seal slaughter shouldn't be regarded as a "seal hunt" because a "hunt" implies "an enthusiastic pursuit".
Walking around hitting new-borns with a piece of wood is hardly a pursuit.
Luckily this year the ice has been so thin (to non-existant) that thousands of lives have been spared from the first wave of killing, however the season is far from over.
I neither support nor oppose the seal hunt. Seals should not be slaughtered, nor should very poor fishermen's families starve.
However, the first comment shows how misinformed most protesters really are:
1. Newborns are no longer killed because the market for them was eliminated years ago.
2. The lack of ice will kill more seals than any hunt ever could, baby seals cannot survive in the water, they drown. Otherwise their mothers would be smart enough to give birth at sea.
Check out the link and you will see that white coats are routinely slaughtered.
The ban is ignored frequently, and white coats are new borns; seals who are just a few weeks are still ripe for murder for the fashion industry.
Thanx for the comment. I agree that climate change will kill many.
John D
It is very important to treat all animals humanely...but never forget the countless number of innocent babies (humans) each yaer also. If they only had a voice....they cannot make a sound..that we are willing to hear. The pain is no less for the unborn children...our commercial society does not consider it fashionable to speak for them or to consider their pain. Who will speak for them?????
George W. Bush for one. Stephen Harper for another. Actually, when it comes down to it, people in power will line up to pass laws that give the state control over human bodies.
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