We're headed to ontario for the weekend, so we're on break until early next week. I wanted to post this video from the demonstration on Monday, because macintosh users couldn't access it. Also attatched is a tattoo that Emily did earlier today and the sandwhich board sign she is finishing up for Outside the Lines Bookstore.
Arrest Video For The Removal Of A Car Magnet
Threat Of Arrest/$500 Fine For A Flyer Under Windshield Wiper! Another Threat of Arrest For A "Swear Word"!!
Arrests And Threats At Halifax Demonstration Against Harper's Military State
One demonstrator was arrested and two others were threatened with arrest today (June 26, 2006 - 12:30 ast).One of the two threatened with arrest was also threatened with a $500 fine for sliping an anti-war flier under the windsheild wiper of a vehicle. The other threat of arrest was for swearing. The one arrest that did take place was for the removal of a magnet from a car. The individual was taken into custody and is currently in detention.
All officers refused over 20 requests for identification (see video at bottom of above link).
The marchers had congregated at Parade Square at 11:00 am (ast) to protest the announcement of $15 Billion in military spending. Many leaflets were handed out comparing the $15 Billion in military spending with (appox) $1 Billion in environmental, health care and education spending!!!
Demonstrators also spoke out against the changing role of canada's military to a more violent, imperialist and decidedly american presence.
Corporate media decided to largely ignore the civic event (except for a CTV camera crew), focusing instead on the staged and scriped event, hand fed to them by the Conservative government.
After a brief rally at both entrances of the Corwallis Department of National Defence, and jail solidarity, demonstrators dispersed voluntarily.
It should be mentioned that although the demonstration may have looked small in numbers, but it was actually a substanial number of people considering there was just a few hours notice. The important thing to remember is that canadians want that $15 Billion to go to health care, education and the environment, and most canadians don't support our imperialist involvement in the middle east or haiti.
For Photos and Shocking Videos of the Arrest and Threats go to:
Danny Vegas, our good pal and flatmate from Auckland has made his way to Halifax after having arrived in north america in January! We're really happy he's here to stay with us for the next week or two. Eabha was stunned to see Danny and watched him quietly while processing his voice. Then after a few minutes of being very quiet she started to whisper "Ruth"?....."Tom"?.... (other good friends and former flatmates in Auckland).
The school year is winding down; assigned to the last day (28th), last period ought to be interesting...I'll probably have to barricade the doors (then again, there's often bars on the windows anyway)...
Emily is finishing up her sandwhich board sign for the bookstore, and will be attending her second interview for a full time tattooing position with a major day spa here in Halifax.
Has anyone seen the movie 'An Inconvenient Truth'? I'm really looking forward to seeing it soon and was wondering if anyone had any reviews?
Enjoy the videos and photos, please drop a comment if you visit!
John D
Here is a trailer for the movie:
Speaking of climate chaos, here is a video from our pal and former flatmate, 'Cookie's' blog www.cookielovescake.blogspot.com 'Cookie' is working with green peace on several projects in and around the South Pacific. The photos are stunning, I totally recomend a visit to her site! This video is of her tree sit in tasmania:
Here is a video of the introduction to Captain Planet, a radical television cartoon about ecological issues:
Here is a (very, very, very) funny spoof of Captain Planet that I found:
And here is a video of what happened when a punk band 'The Exploited' was not allowed to cross the border into Quebec for a concert, and a security guard had severly asaulted a prospective concert goer:
This is a video of Eabha running and catching up with Emily and Danny Vegas in the Commons (park):
Thanx Dave for then encouraging comment on the videos, and a huge well done/thank you to your uberculture collective for their decisive victory over Walmart (details on uberculture site). Bellow are some recent tattoo photos by Emily, more to come! Also, I found out about this blog a little too late (it's shutting down while the author writes a book, but could I turn your attention to www.veganlunchbox.blogspot.com a great site, and judging from the comments, very popular as well!
Take Care,
John D
This video made us laugh out lound until tears sprang from our eyes. Boycott corporate media!
A Great George Bush Video
A video compiled by some folks of photo stills compiled from the Atlantica Protest
Clandestino - Manu Chao - My 'favorite band' I really like 'em!
Here are some photos of our day trip to Shubenacadie (pronounced "Shoo-ben-ack-a-dee"), while Eabha was with her (maternal) Uncle Patrick and his partner Brigitte, at Brigette's soccer game. At the end are some photos of poi. What the hell is Poi?
I've got to go but please check out these videos, they're great!
John D
Um...this movie...although not an acurate portrayal of ALL americans...is really, really, really frightening.
This articulate video with a good point to make is not intended to encourage anyone to break the law. It is for educational purposes only.
Why the Coalition of the Killing isn't winning hearts and minds in Iraq (not that it was ever the point)
This site chronicles the life of Eabha ("Eh"+"Va"), age four.
Photos and stories about this anti-authoritarian toddler and her anti-authoritarian 'Dadad'
The blog was originally set up to chronicle our trip from canada to new zealand, hence "The Kiwi".