Happy Birthday Nanny Muffins, Veganize Me Breakfast and Parachute Fun
Happy Birthday Nanny Muffins! This is a quick 1:30 am post, mostly for a pant load of photos. It's Pride Weekend in Halifax. I think it's going to be gay. Unfortunately we're expecting a storm, which seems to be the norm as opposed to the exception this season.
Eabha is not allowed to use cell phones anymore. This is why, and thank you Aaron K for passing this along and creeping me the );#$ out.
Need A Cooker?
Use Your Cell Phone
By Sue Mueller
Many organizations including the cell phone industry often downplay the risk of cell phone radiation to the brain. Results from short-term studies were used to convince consumers that use of a cell phone is not associated with brain tumors or cancer, which only develop decades after exposure.
To be fair, no one knows exactly how much harm a cell phone can do to a person. However recently, new media has reported a study showing the radiation from cell phones is so full of energy they can be used to cook eggs.
In the experiment, researchers placed one egg in a porcelain cup (because it is easy to conduct heat), and put one cell phone on one side and another cell phone on the other. The researchers then called from one cell phone to another and kept the cell phones on after connecting.
During the first 15 minutes, nothing changed. After 25 minutes, however, the egg shell started to become hot and at 40 minutes, the surface of the egg became hard and bristled. Researchers found the protein in the egg had become solid although the egg yolk was still in liquid form. After 65 minutes, the whole egg was well cooked.
The study shows how scary cell phone radiation is. People should try to avoid use of cell phones. Although so far no one has proved the radiation from cell phones can cause something clinically significant. By the same token, there has been no one who can disprove the existence of such a risk.
Children should be forbidden from cell phone use because they are still growing, and their brains and are particularly vulnerable to radiation.
© 2004-2005 by foodconsumer.org unless otherwise specified
How Two Russian Journalists Cooked An Egg
With Their Mobile Phones
Vladimir Lagovski and Andrei Moiseynko from Komsomolskaya Pravda Newspaper in Moscow decided to learn first-hand how harmful cell phones are. There is no magic in cooking with your cell phone. The secret is in the radio waves that the cell phone radiates.
The journalists created a simple microwave structure as shown in the picture. They called from one cell phone to the other and left both phones on talking mode. They placed a tape recorder next to phones to imitate sounds of speaking so the phones would stay on.
After 15 minutes: The egg became slightly warm.
25 minutes: The egg became very warm.
40 minutes: The egg became very hot.
65 minutes: The egg was cooked. (As you can see.)
Why Eggs Are Grosser Than Cell Phones
Here are two videos of some of us having fun with a parachute that our pals and neighbours from this blog brought over.
Here is a few seconds from Lebanon. July 16, 2006.
What if non-human animals could let us know what they think about the way in which we treat them?
A really really great music video about our relationship with other animals:
Enjoy the photos,
John D @ 2:26 am
What do folks think aboot the videos?
Comments? Questions?
John D
P.S Did anyone watch the last two?
wow, thats some scarey information about cell phones.... im even MORE happy that i dont own one now!
p.s. Anna sends her love, and i have some of her art/illustrations in sticker form, which im going to be sending your way soon
thank you thank you thank you - for more pictures! i think they're great! the parachute video's are amazing too! lotsaragenlove
i think the last 3 are depressing. a fine collection of everything that is wrong with the world. i'm glad to see the pics of your beautiful daughter though. i hope she gets to see what is beautiful and good in the world.
- the first of the last two videos:
i wonder what would happen if more animals (including humans) would put up that kind of resistance.
in one scene it appears that there are three white cops with dogs that are attacking a black man.
if this is so, why is it in the video?
- the second of the last two videos:
the images alone inspire sadness and anger, that there are people with intellegence and caring enough to make such a video inspire gratitude and hope.
on that note, thank you for the posting.
what is the name of the band in the video?
- the pictures:
a great way to conclude the post.
'the nature of things' television program has a contest for nature photos. i am not sure of the specific catagories, but i think the photo of eabha behind the branch may do well to be entered, if possible.
and now to check on the vegan chocolate cheesecake ... be well all
Hey thanks for the comments, they're fun to read.
To Terran,
Apparently that clip of the police dogs was an (all to common) incident of police brutality in Germany where dogs were set upon 'illegal' immigrants. I had thought that it was out of place (I didn't create this video), as it is the only instance where a non-human animal is still under the direct control of a human.
I believe most dogs are good dogs and would have dubtifully bitten the police.
I share your sentiments with regard to the second video. The name of the band is "Rise Against", and the name of the song is "Ready to Fall". Aparently many of the lyrics and videos of this band are quite progressive, however I'm not familiar with any of their other music.
John D
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