Friday, September 23, 2005

RITA: Deja Vu, Or Has Nothing Changed?

Hello all. It's been a whole week (whew!) since the last update, but I'm compensating with a comprehensive post. To begin, with let's point out that two major storms and the third busiest hurricane season on record is a TOTAL COINCIDENCE, it has nothing to do with climate change (a socialist/liberal green agenda conspiracy theory). Unless of course you were to ask Sir John Lawton, chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution which advises the british government, or you could read the article on him HERE.

"If this makes the climate loonies in the States realize we've got a problem, some good will come out of a truly awful situation," - Sir John Lawton.

So that might be your deja vu, but the racism and classism hasn't changed since the native american genocide or Katrina so it isn't suprising to be already reading articles like this one: Tears, Anger As Some Try To Flee And Many Poor Are Stuck.

You don't need a hurricane (even a Rubin Carter Hurricane) to know that white supremacy is still alive and well in the united states (as it is most everywhere in the world). Just look at corporate media's coverage of two murders, of two men, of the same age, on the same night! But to consider the white supremacy on a global scale, one need only consider corporate media's coverage of these climate change disasters with ones that take place in poor countries without the infrastructure to cope.

americans (or at least their renegade "leaders"), although slow to grasp the concept of climate change, have (well over half have) come to terms with one reality. Apparently over half now believe they will lose the war. Hey, I thought it was over already!

Well, a labour coalition has won in new zealand again for the 3rd (record breaking term). The labour/green coalition outcome which won by a VERY narrow margin, reflects a polarisation of electoral politics that can be seen in many parts of the world including canada, the united states, germany, france... I'm sure there's more. My theory? I think that the amount of people who feel voting produces meaningful change is less and less, this fact is reflected in a declining voter turnout in many countries. Most people who would be inclined to vote progressively don't vote, as a result of this reality the victorious side gets in by a narrow margin . Now I'm among a small minority of anarchist who vote. But I vote as a tactic, and like signing petitions (another tactic), I think it is a very minimal contribution to democracy. Really it's a symbolic gesture to select one set of ruling elites over another. In many cases like the united states the difference between the two ruling elite parties is so minute they are barely distinguishable, but it doesn't matter of course if your brother has his hand in the election "counting" process. That being said, when the dark side does get in, the consequences are sever and real to those at the bottom of our social pyramid (the poor, women, non-whites, the environment..), and that's why I vote.

I got some good feedback about the Christianity and anarchism links in the last post, so I'm going to add them to the bottom of the link field, along with the links for December 12th 2012. I think an interesting debate might be brewing in the comments section at the end of two posts back. What do you think, was Jesus white, black or who cares?

I'm really excited about the two week break that has just begun. I have a lot of bureaucratic things to get done, and four assignments, but we plan to get the heck out of this city for at least a little while. When the two weeks are done, I'm back to university for six more weeks and that's it!

One last thing I'll mention before I go, Eabha has come up with a new face expression. You've seen "Crazy Face", and "Scrunchy Face" is the profile photo. Now we'd like you to meet "Squinty Face". Squinty face is something Eabha picked up from us, when we squint at her to scruintinise and encourage self-reflection for her behavior. To our surprise a week ago she did it back to three of us at the same time. Now Eabha does "Squinty Face" on request: "Eabha give *Person's Name* some squinty face".. And out comes this scowl through squinty eyes with the slightest of head shakes, slowly from side to side. The face brings howls of hysterical laughter and squeals of delight, which Eabha absolutely revels in. I'll have you know, she still does "Crazy Face" and "Scrunchy Face" on request!

Well I'd better scoot, there's an international protest against the continued war/occupation/quagmire in Iraq in a few hours.. You can see the first photo of "Squinty Face" in the fourth photograph of Eabha in her stroller bellow (7th photo can't miss it, trust me)..

Bella Chow,

John D


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