News and Frozen Stawberries..So Sweet, So Cold

1/4 Former Gaza General Eludes UK War Crimes Charge
by Jon Elmer
British agents allowed to slip through their fingers the man who oversaw the destruction of Palestinian homes and ordered a bombing that killed 14
noncombatants in 2003.
2/4 Investigation: Five Palestinians Killed in Tul Karm Raid Noncombatants
by Jon Elmer
An investigation into an August 24 raid by Israeli forces in the West Bank city of Tul Karm has found that all five Palestinians killed in the incident were unarmed noncombatants and were not senior Islamic Jihad "terrorists," as the army had originally claimed.
3/4 Israeli Army Continues Use of Palestinians as Human Shields
by Jon Elmer
In direct violation of both domestic and international law, the Israeli military continues to use Palestinian civilians as human shields to protect soldiers during military operations in the occupied Palestinian territories
4/4 Israeli Terror Compensation Rules Treat Jew’s Victims Differently
by Jon Elmer
Arab victims of last month’s terrorist attack on a bus in northern Israel will not be eligible for the same compensation as Jewish victims of Palestinian attacks because the perpetrator - a Jewish Israeli soldier - was not considered a member of a group hostile to the state of Israel.
Speaking of the Middle East, I was pretty happy the british Empire will be withdrawing its illegal occupation in May. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw an article on the front page of the new zealand herald that said that the united $tates army fires 250,000 rounds of ammunition for every civilian (if they were rebels they would have to be treated as such under the Geneva Convention) they kill. Now I'll be the first to admit that I don't know very much about the mechanics of militaries in general, much less how many supplies they go through, but 250,000 per person? Just like in the movies I suppose... just like on tv...

Moving on from the WHITE house to one of it's residents, condi rice was expressing concern that more had to be done to prepare for haiti's presidential and legislative elections in November. The part I don't get is, if condi gives a rat's ass (sorry mom) about democracy in haiti, then why didn't she speak up when the united states and canada overthrew democratically elected jean bertrand aristeed 1 2 in a political coup and puppet government that continues to this day?

Anna Hunter, if you're reading this we're trying to get a hold of stay by your phone and wait for our call.. :)
Eabha has learned how to take garbage/compost and put it in the bin under the sink! We're really keen to rent out her cleaning services in the neighbourhood, but we're afraid she's gonna organize a radical union like these french guys here. Honestly, this is the CRAZIEST labour/direct-action I have heard about in a G8 country in a long time...Solidarity! For more information about worker takeovers, check out this documentary by Naomi Klein: The Take

Emily is preparing various wares for a few music festivals comming up. She's also working on getting a few more needles to tattoo a few more folks before we leave. Speaking of Emily and her great artwork, 'member one of those empty blog promises from a while back? Right, the one about one of her best art pieces I've seen so far? O.K, the photo isn't the greatest, and we'll update it on our first sunny day, but this indian ink and water painting and drawing can be found on EMILY'S ART BLOG.
Well, by my count I still have four essays and many, many forms to fill out before we go to Waikato and surrounding areas this weekend. Until next time...where's morgan?
Use The Force,
John D
Best of Luck Anna!! I hope everything turns out well for your!
For those of you who know Tre Arrow, I spoke with him last night and he sends his love to all his friends out in Halifax and NZ.
I'll be hopefully seeing him in two weeks if anyone has a message for him...send it to JD and he'll pass it on to me.
Care (JD's sister)
Hey Emily, JD and eabha.
I haven't said hi in a while, main because I've been extremely busy. I got the position for the womyn center as a board member. so I am constently doing stuff with them. as of late we ran "girls gone wild" out of Halifax!!
had an awesome taking back the night march. (not perfect, in till we can have a march with out cops female or not, it won't be perfect) HCAP is so organized now, food not bombs is becoming a drama fest ten fold. I started getting involved with this feminist artist group, we're having an exibit in november. hopefully some of my artwork will make it in.
also if JD could pass along my love and support for Tre that would be great.
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