Go Fly A Kite..
Yes, she really is flying that kite herself!
Eabha loved everything about flying her new octopus kite that that Emily and Ruth got her today. Eabha is certainly developing as an anti-authoritarian...all on her own! I'm sure that most parents can relate. Eabha resists with her entire 14kgs when she wants something that's not safe, when she's up and wants down to run, when she's down to run and wants up, when she up and wants down to run again.. Eabha also knows how to get out of many holds. Half the time this makes me frustrated, the other half the time I admire her spunk and wish more of her fellow citizens shared her focus on liberty and resistance.
Sometimes I think Eabha is so strong-headed because she's a Taurus, but then again her mother is a sagittarius and is also...never mind....
Emily has been destroying everything in her path. Oh wait, wrong Emily. Emily has been using her new book light for night time artwork, and is developing some great pieces. I will try to post some pictures of them when she has a few more finished. She really likes living with other artists/friends that have just moved in.
Anyone who may have been put off by the horned-pope photo from the last post should know that I have nothing against Christianity. Actually I think anarchists have a lot in common with Christianity and Jesus of Nazereth. Too often Christianity gets a bad rap from the "Christian Right" who grossly misrepresent its main tennents, while a vibrant "Christian Left" is largely ignored. I do think however that a distinction ought to be made between spirituality and institutionalised religion. The picture went up on the blog because I thought the optical illusion was interesting (the comments all agreed); I also think there is a great deal of merit in questioning those in power (ie. the vatican/pope..), as power does indeed corrupt.
I mentioned a few posts back that in the netherlands, Greenpeace had been deemed a terrorist organisation. I've found another instance of the "war of terror" being a front for a war on dissent.
Speaking of dissent, a 15 year old boy took the british government to court to end martial law against youth, and as it turns out, he was successful!
Well it turns out I wasn't the only one to feel that there could possibly, feasibly, just maybe be a link between racist foreign policy (terrorism) and "terrorism". Who'd 'a thunk it would have been London's own mayor?!?
Well here's three more photos I found on the world wide web. No illusions here...optical or otherwise.
Peace by Piece
John D
check out the five major "coincidences" here:
From the look of the picture, one wonders if a good stiff wind and emily might be airborne...
I don't know, I'm 15 kgs of mean toddler.
P.S My name is Eabha ("Eh"+"Va"), Mamma's name is Emily..
Thanx for tuning in!
"Idiot, redeem thyself". After a repeat visit via blogclicker, I now recognise Emily vs. Eabha. I remember once having a kite I swear had 500 ft. of string with my cousin, he thought he would catch flight, until the sting broke.
Just over a year old and you've crossed the world. Quite the travelled little man you are! And with a political conscience, to boot.
Woman actually, and who you calling little. :)
Thanx for the visit and comment. I've been to 2 provinces, 2 states and 3 countries. Lot's of movin' in 9 months!
Wow...that's some serious free association or something, jumping from topic to topic to topic. I'm not sure I quite know how to comment!
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