Monday, July 25, 2005

Everyday Should Be Car Free Day...

Oh La La...





A WARM Hello!

Would you believe this car, (which was photographed from outside our flat) continued to burn for another five to ten minutes (after the camera batteries died)? We heard all four tires pop, and another explosion, AND there was lots of black smoke, AND the construction site behind/beside the car caught on fire as well! This incident was by FAR the coolest thing to happen all day, and probably the coolest thing that will happen all week; we were just happy to be there and to be a part of it all.

Second place for the coolest thing to happen to me today went as follows:

Emily and Eabha were not covered for health insurance because of a mix up with the school before we got here. Not only is it a sketchy situation, not to be covered while "traveling", but both Emily and Eabha needed to see a doctor. I had been to see the woman at the University who facilitates the insurance bureaucracy for the students FOUR times. At the end of every visit, I was assured she would email to say everything had been set up. She never emailed. On the last visit we were promised the issue would be resolved by the end of the (last) week and we would be emailed with the relevant information. No email. So today I went in. Again. And was told nothing had been done. Again.

Partly because I was hungry, partly because I was too hot, but mostly because it's not Eabha or Emily's fault this woman wan't doing anything, I politely informed the woman at the desk that I was not leaving and was prepared to "lock down" to her office all day and for as long as it took until Eabha and Emily were insured. Emily and Eabha are now insured at no cost (until she finds the correct cost, which based on experience will take a while) and they both have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. This proves once again (not that it needed to be proven again), the age old fact: DIRECT ACTION GETS THE GOODS!

On a less fun note; I'm back at school. I know, I'm supposed to like it right? It's not education I'm opposed to, it's schooling that I don't like (hence the links under "education"). I have University for another two weeks, and then another highschool placement for six weeks.

So... Coca-Cola has been named the world's top selling brand for four years in a row. Now if you are a consumer (and by association, an advertiser/promoter) of this product, I dare you to check out this site. Not only is there a negative nutritional value to this product, not only does it taste like crap, not only is it chemically addictive, not only does it's marketing seep into every facet of our lives including schools...but this company is KILLING ITS OWN WORKERS in columbia!!!
Now they're threatening legal action against this activist in india, for exposing their role in depleting ground water there! Please, if you're sure you like this product and still want to see them top brand in the world for year five, check the website and boycott this junk!

Wanna hear something funny? Apparently, canada is looking into getting "bomb-resistant desks" for its embassies! Bomb-resistant desks? Isn't that a bit like flame-proof stationary? I mean what's the point? I smell a Liberal friendly bomb-resistant desk firm!

One last news tidbit. The u$a (cradle of democracy) has extended the patriot act indefinitely! They always said the war on terror would be an ongoing war like the "war on drugs". Both "wars" kill a lot of people, cost a lot of money and don't fix a darn thing because they have no intention of looking at the root causes of the problem.



At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would hate to think of that wee car as mine....

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I loved the Fascism pic. Every day I hear just gobs of people tell me "Since NAFTA, my wages have gone up soo much, I have to burn money to ged rid of it!", "Dam this CAFTA is great, where can I get some?", and "Thanks Dubya for those low gas prices!"


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