Friday, February 25, 2005

Welcome to New Zealand, welcome to School..

Hello all..

Besides a few technical difficulties, my tardiness in updating the blog was due to a busy week starting classes at the University of Auckland.

The week started with a Powhiri to welcome international education students to the university and to the land. The Powhiri took place in a university Marae. It was an interesting ceremony, although I missed a lot of what was said because so much that was spoken, was in the Maori (pronounced "Mou" - as in "mould" + "Di" - as in that tongue twisty thing..) language. My initial concern was that it would turn out to be another example of institutionalized, cultural appropriation. My cynicism was laid to rest, when I realized the authenticity of the ceremony, performed by university staff (very many of whom were Maori) which was actually as enjoyable as it was interesting. Maori culture is deeply ingrained in the state curriculum, as well as the secondary teaching program, and not just in a tokenistic way as one might expect. That being said there are still many painful issues for Maori people, rooted in the same pattern of colonization (re-discovery) and neo-colonization throughout the world. Out of respect for the Pohiri, the Marae and the Maori people, I decided not to photograph any of the ceremony, but after had the opportunity to snap a few photos from the outside and through an open window.

Everyone in the Department of Education has turned out to be really nice, and I am seeing a lot of opportunity to integrate my views about schooling and education (j.5.13) with the programs being taught to us (the prospective teachers).

Recommended Reading List On Education:

Teenage Liberation Handbook
Real-Life Homeschooling
Teaching Community (Excellent Book)
Real Lives
Chomsky On Miseducation
Home Sweet Homeschooling
Learning All The Time
Homeschooling And Voyage Of Self-Discovery
Field Day (Excellent Book)
The Exhausted School
And The Sky Lark Sings With Me
Parents First
The Unschooling Handbook
Real Education
Guerilla Learning

As a footnote, Aaron left to hitch-hike/see the rest of the country (as much as he can), and I got a library card (yay).


At 1:53 AM, Blogger Anna said...

good list of books...i would also add Ivan Illich Deschooling Society

make sure you send me your papers - i want to read what you're learning - i'm sort of jealous!

big kiss to em and eabha!


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